The Bird Song Project I wrote about earlier has been moving along at a good pace.
As part of the main project, Michael and Aileen, the creators of the Project have been working with 34 traditional singers from all over Ireland, including such singers as Grace Toland, Johnny Mháirtín Learaí, Jackie Boyce and Niamh Parsons.
The project takes the form of a themed research and performance project
based around the collection and performance of songs, from the
Irish tradition, which reference birds or birdsong.
There will be five concerts, which will take place in the
four provinces of Ulster, Leinster, Munster and Connaught with a fifth
concert in Dublin.
Singing Circles have also been invited to become part
of the wider project by hosting their own bird song themed night during
the month of May 2015.
There are now sixteen Singers' Circles who have chosen to take part in the 'surround [bird] sound'.
Boyle Traditional Singers' Circle is planning to be one of those circles
and we'll devote the May 2015 session to the theme of birds and birdsong, as
far as possible. When we're doing this, we'll be connecting with other
Clubs around the country doing the same thing, all part of an
All-Ireland themed-song event.