Boyle Traditional Singers' Circle - Ciorcal Ámhránaíochta Traidisiúnta Mhainistir na Búille

3rd Saturday of every month. Next session: 21st March 2020. CANCELLED

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Fáilte - Welcome
to the Boyle Singers' circle - Ciorcal Amhránaíochta Mhainistir na Búille

Traditional unaccompanied singing, in English and Irish.

Dodd’s Crescent Bar (back room), The Crescent, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland.
The third Saturday of every month, all year around, 9.30pm onwards.

All singers and listeners welcome.

Birds of a feather - the Bird Song Project.

Tá an londubh is an chéirseach, is an fhuiseoigín le chéile,
Is an smóilín binn bréagach 'na ndéidh ins gach áird;
An chuach i measc an méid sin ag seinimt dánta 's dréachta

Do chúl trom tais na bpéarla is dom chéad míle grá.

Have you heard about the Bird Song Project?

This is a project by Aileen Lambert and Michael Fortune, a couple of artists based in Wexford. The Bird Song Project is supported by the Irish Traditional Music Archive and the National Library of Ireland. The Project is being devised and produced for Bealtaine 2015.

Michael and Aileen will work with singers from throughout Ireland and their research and performance will feature songs from the Irish tradition, in either Irish or English, which feature or reference, birds or birdsong. At the end of the Project, there'll be a series of four concerts, with singers representing each of the four provinces, in the National Library of Ireland in May.

As a kind of 'surround (bird) sound' for the Project, Michael and Aileen are inviting all the Singing Clubs and Circles to become part of the wider project by hosting their own bird-song themed night during the month of May 2015.

This is where we come in.

Boyle Traditional Singers' Circle is planning to be one of those Circles who devote the May 2015 session to the theme of birds and birdsong, as far as possible. When we're doing this, we'll be connecting with other Clubs around the country doing the same thing, all part of an All-Ireland themed-song event.

So now is the time to start learning new, or polishing up older, songs, featuring birds.
There's flocks of them out there. Join in the chorus!

I have seen the lark soar high at morn,
Heard his song up in the blue.
I have heard the blackbird pipe his notes,
The thrush and the linnet too.
But there's none of them can sing so sweet
My singing bird as you ...

If you want more information about the Bird Song Project itself, please contact Michael Fortune at

Boyle Singers Circle poster