A plaque in memory of the singer John Reilly, who lived in Boyle in the 1960s, was erected on the wall of the premises that was once the Grehan's pub and home, on September 13th last. The artist commissioned to create the plaque is Fergus Lyons, who has lived locally for many years.
John Reilly was a welcome guest in the Grehan's house any time he visited. His singing and his songs, some thought to have dropped out of singers' store of songs a hundred years before they were recorded from John Reilly in the 60s, have influenced singers far and wide.
If you drop in to the Boyle Singers Session any month, third Saturday, you may well hear a John Reilly song. If you have one yourself, we'd love to hear it.
Next Singers Session, in Dodds (right next-door to the building where John Reilly's plaque is), on the Crescent in Boyle, Saturday, September 20th, 2014.
Fáilte roimh chách.