Boyle Traditional Singers' Circle - Ciorcal Ámhránaíochta Traidisiúnta Mhainistir na Búille

3rd Saturday of every month. Next session: 21st March 2020. CANCELLED

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Fáilte - Welcome
to the Boyle Singers' circle - Ciorcal Amhránaíochta Mhainistir na Búille

Traditional unaccompanied singing, in English and Irish.

Dodd’s Crescent Bar (back room), The Crescent, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland.
The third Saturday of every month, all year around, 9.30pm onwards.

All singers and listeners welcome.

Tim Dennehy at the Boyle Traditional Singers night

There was a huge turn out for Tim Dennehy at the Boyle Trad Singers, Arts Festival, night last Thursday. The workshop beforehand was well attended too.

Some singers came over from the JMSS in Drumshanbo, where there were more singers than ever attending workshops and sessions. In Drumshanbo, where the JMSS coincided with the Boyle Trad Singers' evening this year, the hoodies said : Music is the Answer. That could be changed to Music is the Question - Singing is the Answer.

Bhur mbarúil?

Boyle Singers Circle poster