Boyle Traditional Singers' Circle - Ciorcal Ámhránaíochta Traidisiúnta Mhainistir na Búille

3rd Saturday of every month. Next session: 21st March 2020. CANCELLED

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Fáilte - Welcome
to the Boyle Singers' circle - Ciorcal Amhránaíochta Mhainistir na Búille

Traditional unaccompanied singing, in English and Irish.

Dodd’s Crescent Bar (back room), The Crescent, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland.
The third Saturday of every month, all year around, 9.30pm onwards.

All singers and listeners welcome.

16th May 2009

There was a large group present in Dodds on the 16th of May, despite the absence of some regulars, who headed off to the 30th anniversary of the Góilín Club in Dublin.

More than 15 singers sang a couple of songs each and there was an appreciative audience. We've completed a full year in Dodd's now - we moved to Dodd's in May of last year - where has the time... etc.

Breege announced that Shannonside Radio judged the Singers' Circle worthy of an entertainment award in April and she and Helen will be travelling to Roscommon town to receive it during this week.

15 May 2009 - An Góilín Singers Club - Dublin - 30th anniversary

The Dublin singers' club, An Góilin is to celebrate its 30th Anniversary on the weekend of May 15th with Friday night and Saturday sessions in the Teachers' Club, Parnell Square, Dublin.

Boyle Singers Circle poster